Saturday, September 17, 2016



Welcome to my Signature blog! I am Joy, and I am a junior. My signature project this year is to emphasize that you can eat healthily under a budget by creating healthy, cheap and easy to make recipes. Volunteers and I will then cook the food with my recipes at Joseph’s House and serve the Troy community. My key product will be creating a cookbook that will be sent to food banks in Troy.

I've been always passionate about health and nutrition, as well as helping others in need. This signature project will be able to connect these two things.

Experiences in nutrition field-
In my sophomore year, I've participated in the Business Plan High School Competition in which my plan was related to nutrition. I am in the Bridges residential living program this year where we will be focussing a lot on healthy eating. I will also be participating the World Food Prize Institute in Iowa in October  where I am able to meet many influential people in food sciences and other related fields.

I am also passionate about helping others, volunteering, and doing community service. I've visited, raised money, done food/clothe drives for shelters in Troy and Albany several times.

As mentioned, this is a project that involved cooking and community service, hence I named my project - Cook for a Cause!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Project Timeline

-Research on Troy community centers, food banks
-Work with Ms Mossop, learn more about Joseph house
-logistics, gather volunteers

-World Food Prize GYI
-Start designing recipes that are healthy and cheap
-Design a healthy and affordable dessert menu for Joseph's House

-1st trip to Joseph's House
-Find local Troy food markets for sponsors
-Ask for food donations from Emma community
-Make the dessert with volunteers
-Continue making cookbook

-hold a "cookie decorating & packaging" activity. Cookies will be sent to Joseph's House
-hold one fundraising activity (ex) something related to Christmas
-Continue designing recipes for cookbook

-Prepare for 2nd trip to Joseph's House (fundraising, asking sponsors/emma, design menus, making the dessert, finding volunteers)
-Start analyzing the nutrition information of each recipes in cookbook, as well as its cost$$

-Prepare for the 3rd trip to Joseph House
-Expand list of sponsors
-continue to work on cookbook, design more menus

-4th trip to Joseph's House

-5th trip to Joseph house
-Finish my cookbook; publish it and give it to Joseph house (and maybe other food banks).